What are some good heroes for a beginner?

I've played a bit of LOL here and there but not a lot, never any HoN or dota and was wondering if people could recommend any champions for my first few dota2 games.

Its hard to set in step in to a game with so many options.

If it helps, on LoL I often play as Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Karthus, Ryze or Tristana.

also, if people want to comment any tips that have for the change over they would be more then welcome.

To start off, I suggest taking a look at this list that ranks each and every Dota hero by "difficulty" to play, based on six main areas of Dota "knowledge":

  1. Hero/Item Knowledge
  2. Map Awareness
  3. Positioning/Reflex
  4. Farm/Last-hitting
  5. Micro Management
  6. Survival Priority

I would say that this list is a nice guide to reference if you are looking for heroes to play based on your various areas of familiarity with the game (for example, you can sort heroes by their map awareness rating if you think you aren't very good at it).

In general, heroes with an escape mechanism, a stun or disable of some sort, and aren't very farm dependent make for the easiest heroes to pick up and play in my opinion. These heroes tend to usually be Intelligence heroes and often play a support role, although there are some exceptions.

Some examples:

  • Venomancer Dota 2Venomancer: An Agility support hero that has a multitude of skills that damage and/or slow enemy units. Venomancer's wards can allow you to push/farm a lane pretty safely, and his passive slow and gale can be used to gank enemy heroes pretty effectively. Venomancer is not very farm dependent, and his ultimate can do devastating damage to enemy heroes. Make sure to safe his Poison Nova ultimate for team fights, or at times where you can hit multiple enemy heroes at once (and have someone to help you take them down). Like the other heroes mentioned below, he has poor HP and mobility.

  • Vengeful Spirit Dota 2Vengeful Spirit: An Agility support hero with a decently ranged and damaging stun, a low cost armor reducing "wave" spell, a damage aura, and a situational ultimate that swaps the position of you and your target. In team battles or during ganks, you should be focusing on stunning an enemy and reducing their armor with your wave. Her "Swap" skill should be used to initiate ganks, or to pre-empt a team fight by taking out one of the enemy heroes to give you an advantage. Since Swap can potentially put you in danger, however, you need to be careful when to use it. You can also use Swap on an allied hero to save them, although you may end up sacrificing yourself as a result. VS's weaknesses are low HP, mobility, and a low mana pool, although getting Mana boots on her can solve that issue.

  • Crystal Maiden Dota 2Crystal Maiden: She has a stun, a slowing nuke, and an aura that gives global mana regen to you and all heroes. A very useful hero that can support and set up ganks when coming from the jungle, or just a hero that can harass the enemies in lane while babysitting (protecting) a carry. Her weaknesses are her low HP, slow movement speed, the fact that she has to stand still while casting her ult, and the fact that her abilities don't scale well into late game. That being said, even if you yourself are having a bad game and end up getting underleveled, her aura still makes her useful to allies.

  • Lion Dota 2Lion: He has a stun, a hex, a mana draining skill, and a very powerful nuking ultimate. The fact that he has two disables makes him incredibly useful as a lane ally as well as in team fights. Like Crystal Maiden, he has the same weaknesses such as slow movement speed and low HP. He also has mana issues, since his spells have large costs. Depending on how you build him, however, you can sustain your mana reasonably. For example, skill impale and mana drain early. In lane, you can harass heroes by impaling them followed by casting mana drain on them. Alternatively, you can harass with impale, then use mana drain on the ranged creep to replenish mana a little bit more safely.

  • Lich Dota 2Lich: Another support that has a slowing nuke similar to Crystal Maiden's, a Frost Armor skill that lets you buff allies with armor, a skill that lets you sacrifice an allied creep to gain mana, and an ultimate that is a nuke that bounces between any nearby enemy units. Like CM, he can be useful to set up ganks or to babysit carries, and like Lion he can sustain his mana by using his creep sacrificing skill. He has low HP and can have mana issues. His ultimate can be hard to aim correctly as it is a situational skill, but when in doubt, you can always cast it on an enemy hero as an extra nuke, or just cast it on a hero during a team fight.

  • Skeleton King Dota 2Skeleton King: A tanky carry that has a stun, a passive critical, a life leech aura, and an ultimate that uses mana to resurrect him should he die (the ultimate has a cooldown so you can't just keep resurrecting over and over immediately). Like yx. said, you really only have one skill, which is your stun. Use it to chase down enemy heroes, or to get yourself out of a tight situation such as a gank. His passives make it very easy for him to kill jungle creeps. He suffers from a low mana pool, slow movement speed, and low mobility in general (after your stun, many heroes are capable of running away from you).

  • Sven Dota 2Sven: A tanky carry similar to Skeleton King in the fact that he has a stun (except this one hits in a small AoE around your target). His stun is one of the best level 1 stuns in the game, and can be very useful when trying to get a First Blood or initiating ganks. He has another active skill that increases the movement speed and armor of you and nearby allies, which is useful for closing in on enemies or for running away. His ultimate adds a large number of damage to your regular attacks for a period of time, which is extremely useful for pushing down towers or in the middle of team fights. While farm dependent and has a low mana pool like Skeleton King, his natural tankiness and passive cleave skill makes killing jungle creeps easier.

By no means would I say that these are necessarily the best heroes, but picking them up and learning how to play them correctly lets you familiarize yourself with other aspects of the game, and make the transition to more intermediate and advanced heroes easier later along the road.

As a final note, the heroes I listed above are considered EASY TO PLAY but are not necessarily EASY TO MASTER. All have some sort of slow or stun in their skillset, allowing you to stay relatively safe throughout games. These are heroes that allow you to work on fundamentals without worrying too much about things like "what playing a support means", or "how to be good at last hitting" or "what items you should buy". There are optimal ways of playing each of these heroes (which you are unlikely to do when first starting off on DOTA), but these heroes' skills put less of an emphasis on that, and allows you to be immediately useful to your team.

I haven't played LoL and Dota 2 was my first game in the genre, but here are the heros I found easiest to play. Most of them are quite tanky (or can escape) to cover for mistakes that might occur while learning:

  • enter image description hereSkeleton King: With 3 passive abilities, all you need to learn with him is when to stun and when to charge in and tank and when to withdraw (don't go in 1v4 :P). He's very tanky and can jungle quite well as well.

  • enter image description hereDragon Knight: Also quite tanky, has one of the longest stuns in the game. Dragon mode makes your stun ranged, which makes it even better.

  • enter image description hereJuggernaut: Blade fury makes you immune to magic and is great for both starting a battle and running away. Healing ward improves survivability and omnislash will solo gank most heroes.

  • enter image description hereUrsa: Very easy to learn. Once you get the hang of jungling with him, you'll easily be the most powerful member on your team and win most pub games. Make sure you get a blink dagger sooner rather than later though.

  • enter image description hereQueen of Pain: Lots of spammy skills, not heavily reliant on items to be good since primary source of damage is from abilities. Blink is also great to have.

I also highly recommend trying out a few coop vs AI and/or just play on a match with you + 4 bots against 5 bots just to learn the items and skills.

Images courtesy of the dota 2 wiki

This is kind of old but I don't agree too much with any of the suggestions, so I'm going to give my own.


  • Lich: Very simple to dominate a lane and learn how to harass effectively while doing so.
  • Venomancer: Ward spam is obnoxious and simple, and his ultimate+snare are both very strong in ganks/teamfights.
  • Warlock: There's a whole group of people that like playing healers. Warlock is the simplest one among them and can contribute to teamfights easily by dropping a giant demon and a great slow.


  • Skeleton King: High DPS, good base stats, 3 passive abilities, and a targeted stun. It doesn't get much easier than this: a very good measure of whether your last hitting is up to par.
  • Viper: Ranged and doesn't die easily, and has some simple abilities that allow him to put out high damage without much micro intensive skill or farm.
  • Lifestealer: He's a very simple jungler that can deal great DPS. His ultimate is complex, but you can just use it to farm faster and be well-off anyway.


  • Windrunner: A lot of new players swear by this hero. She's hard to kill in lane because of Windrun and Shackleshot and Powershot are both very strong abilities in ganks.
  • Sven: Strong 2 second AoE stun, and then he hits stuff. That's about all for this hero to be useful.
  • Ogre Magi: Very simplistic point and click abilities that actually ends up being a lot of fun due to his luck element. He's a strong ganker and useful at all points of the game.
  • Beastmaster: If you ignore his pets (which you probably shouldn't do, but can as a new player) this hero is very straightforward to play and has one of the best single target disables in the game.


  • Tidehunter: very simple initiator that can be effective without a Blink Dagger. His ultimate is probably the single strongest spell in the game.
  • Earthshaker: Learn how to use a Blink Dagger to initiate. Not the easiest hero to play in lane, but probably the easiest true initiator.
  • Clockwerk: Very position-based initiator that is hard to bring down and has good crowd-separating skills with his ultimate and Cogs. Will force you to position well for initiation and counterganks.

Dragon Knight, Lich, and Tiny

Dragon Knight is a tank and can farm and kill easily with his ultimate.

Lich excels in team fights. Ultimate and shield your allied carry and the job's done.

Tiny with acrane boots, dagger, and dagon makes you just dominate. Just stun and throw, and use dagon if you have can kill someone easily.

I think a really good begginner class would be windrunner. She has shackleshot which can hook them to the tree and finish them off with her second ability. She can run quite fast and is ranged so good to try out for begginers