Annoying KDE Wallet Service popup: The application 'kded5' has requested to open the wallet 'kdewallet'

On my Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver LTS, the following popup appears often when working with Docker and I'm not purposely doing anything that would require a password:

KDE Wallet Service: The application 'kded5' has requested to open the wallet 'kdewallet'. Please enter the password for this wallet below.

enter image description here

The kded5 man page doesn't help me understand what's going on, and I'm not using KDE Wallet, so I always click Cancel, and soon it appears again.

Tried to untick Enable the KDE wallet subsystem via Start->KDE Wallet but this caused my Chromium to "forget" all saved passwords, so it's ticked again, and Chromium "recalled" the saved passwords again - so it turns out I am using KDE Wallet after all.

Tried to untick System Settings->Notifications->(drop down)->Wallet->Needs password->Show a message in a popup, but still it appears.

Q: How to get rid of it without making Chromium unusable, and what is going on? Would be grateful for any hint or link to good documentation. I'm ok if Chromium can be configured to store passwords elsewhere.

EDIT: Found the Chromium --password-store parameter however the only usable (and halfway safe) way seems to be the default, which is KDEWallet (on KDE). Unless I can install the GNOME Keyring on KDE?

It looks like this is coming from the keyring package which is used by pip. Their site lists several ways to disable it. In my opinion the easiest way seems to python -m keyring --disable

This way you don't have to stop using kdewallet, but you stop getting those popups from pip.

Well, you can disable this feature completely under Settings -> Account -> Wallet, untick "Use KDE Wallet".