Use different username on CUPS remote printing

Solution 1:

According to the man page, a User directive could be placed in /etc/cups/client.conf or ~/.cups/client.conf

However, this didn't work for me in Kubuntu Trusty. What worked, was to export the CUPS_USER environment variable by adding the following line in ~/.profile:

export CUPS_USER=vangelis

Needless to say (but I say), that you need to change vangelis to the username you would like to use.

You also need to restart your system so that the changes take effect in the desktop environment!

This information can be found at CUPS 1.6b1 release notes here: (search for CUPS_USER)

Solution 2:

The issue has been reported as a bug (856776) and is now on the wishlist.

Solution 3:

This works for our system. Tested in Ubuntu 10.04 - 14.04, Linux Mint Print server Canon Uniflow, secure printing

First, stop cups

sudo service cups stop

Then edit the file /etc/cups/printers.conf and add your username to the DeviceURI like this:

DeviceURI lpd://[email protected]/our_printqueue

Now start cups again

sudo service cups start

However, be aware that this setting effects all users on this machine.