Use of the possessive apostrophe in a list

If I was to label something

The Poets and Painters' Distillery

do I only apply the possessive apostrophe after 'Painters' as in the text written above, or do I also need to apply one to 'Poets' so that it becomes

The Poets' and Painters' Distillery ?

I'm thinking the former is correct, but cannot be too sure.

Solution 1:

You are right. If the distillery is jointly possessed by the poets and painters then you only need the apostrophe after Painters.

Similarly, John and Mary's house is the house owned jointly by John and Mary. If John and Mary each have their own houses, then you need apostrophes after both possessive nouns: John's and Mary's houses. Note, however, that to remove any ambiguity as to how many houses each has you need to repeat the possessed noun: John's house and Mary's houses.