Selenium webdriver can't click on a link outside the page
It is actually possible to scroll automatically to element. Although this is not a good solution in this case (there must be a way to get it working without scrolling) I will post it as a workaround. I hope someone will come up with better idea...
public void scrollAndClick(By by)
WebElement element = driver.findElement(by);
int elementPosition = element.getLocation().getY();
String js = String.format("window.scroll(0, %s)", elementPosition);
I posted this same answer in another question so this is just a copy and paste.
I once had a combo box that wasn't in view that I needed to expand. What I did was use the Actions builder because the moveToElement() function will automatically scroll the object into view. Then it can be clicked on.
WebElement element = panel.findElement(By.className("tabComboBoxButton"));
Actions builder = new Actions(this.driver);
(panel is simply a wrapped element in my POM)