Is there a Windows command line tool to copy files to remote computers?

I'm looking for a way to copy files over to/from remote Windows hosts, and need to provide domain user credentials as part of the process, similar to the way psexec does.

I know I can use net use to map the target directory to a drive letter and use xcopy, and I know psexec can upload files to be executed on the remote machine and then delete them, but I'm looking for a way to distribute files to remote hosts that will not be as awkward to use as net use and xcopy.

Solution 1:

XCopy supports UNC paths.

C:\>xcopy \\computer1\source\*.* \\Computer2\target
C:\>xcopy \\computer1\source\FakeFileNAme.txt C:\

I would imagine with the use of RunAs you should be able to feed it whichever credentials you'd like.


Solution 2:

You can use robocopy. just open a command window and type robocopy /? to see available options.

Solution 3:

Not exactly a "small utility", but the pywin32 package of Python for Windows has win32net and win32wnet modules that could be helpful with scripting credentials and such.

Solution 4:

Since this question and answers, Powershell now supports remote copy.
See the documentation for Copy-Item
You may also need to Enable PSRemoting (depending on your target machine)

Example 5: Copy a file to a remote computer

$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName "Server01" -Credential "Contoso\PattiFul"
Copy-Item "D:\Folder001\test.log" -Destination "C:\Folder001_Copy\" -ToSession $Session