How do I change the order of screens in byobu?
I'd like to bind Shift + ← and Shift + → to move my current screen left/right in the ordering of screens.
How can this be done?
These are the versions I'm using:
$ byobu -v
byobu version 2.68
Screen version 4.00.03jw4 (FAU) 2-May-06
You can easily bind actions to shift-left and shift-right, using:
bindkey "^[[1;2D" prev
bindkey "^[[1;2C" next
Note that Byobu 5.12 uses these bindings by default for shift-left and shift-right.
And you can easily move a window from one window number to another by pressing:
ctrl-a :number [SOME_NUMBER]
However, GNU Screen does not support SOME_NUMBER to be a relative value, like +1 or -1. Rather, it must be an absolute window number, like "8" or "2".
Byobu also supports tmux as a backend, in addition to screen. Tmux does have support for this feature, and it can be accomplished by highlighting the window you want to move, and pressing Ctrl-Shift-F3
to move it left, and Ctrl-Shift-F4
to move it right.