is there the gdrive in ubuntu? like windows have. Or similar

Why not use Ubuntu One for it? Its already integrated in OS.

This was the only thing that I could find:

It doesn't look that user friendly unfortunately. Good luck getting it to work.

You can mount your Gmail filesystem either via fstab or on the command line using mount.

To use fstab, create an entry /etc/fstab that looks something like: /usr/local/bin/ /path/of/mount/point gmailfs noauto,username=gmailuser, password=gmailpass, fsname=zOlRRa Note: If you cut and paste this entry remember to remove the spaces after the commas

The username and password fields speak for themselves. The fsname is the name of this Gmail filesystem. It is important to choose a hard-to-guess name here - because if others can guess the fsname, they can corrupt your Gmail filesystem by injecting spurious messages into your Inbox.

To mount from the command line, do:

mount -t gmailfs /usr/local/bin/ /path/of/mount/point -o username=gmailuser, password=gmailpass, fsname=zOlRRapassword=gmailpass, fsname=zOlRRa