Word for someone who is ignorant and proud?

Many a times, we tend to meet someone who is ignorant yet arrogant; to the extent that they can go a long way blabbing about something they don't really know with so much vigour. What can you refer to such a person as?

Solution 1:

Also consider:
opinionated, “Having very strong opinions” and, in the form self-opinionated, “Holding to one's own opinion obstinately, stubbornly and unreasonably”
loudmouth or blowhard, “One who talks too much or too loudly, especially in a boastful or self-important manner”
obnoxious (unpleasant, offensive, annoying, odious)
eristic, “One who makes specious arguments; one who is is disputatious”
bigoted, “having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one’s own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others”
egotist, “A person who believes in his own importance or superiority”
bumptious, “Obtrusively pushy; self-assertive to a pretentious extreme”
self important, “Having, or behaving as if having, too high an opinion of one's own importance”
solipsist, “One who adheres to self-absorption and an ignorance of the views or needs of others”
smart aleck or smart ass, “One who is pretentious about their own cleverness or knowledge; a know-it-all”
wiseacre, “One who feigns knowledge or cleverness; an insolent upstart”; also “(obsolete) A learned or wise man”

Three of the above appear in Is there a word for a person who doesn't think the rules apply to him?. Also see:
• What's a word for an instance in which one has an opinion about something without having tried it?
• "Arrogant" vs. "conceited"
• A polite substitution for "lamer"
• Someone who forms their own opinion
• Ignorantly dishonest
• Is there a word to describe someone who tends to disagree with others only to upset them?.

Solution 2:

An ignoranus is somebody who manages to be both ignorant and an asshole.

Alas it is not a real word, but just a play on ignoramus. I first came across it in an email listing the winners of the "The Washington Post's Mensa invitational", a contest which invites readers to take "any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition."

Unfortunately, the contest seems to have been fictitious but the list was so good that it has now taken on a life of its own (and is really worth a read). In any case, ignoranus is gaining quite a following as can be seen by the ~66,100 google hits for the word. I believe it to be a great addition to the language and it would fit your intended use pretty well; let's promote it! I would refer to the person you describe as an arrogant ignoranus.

Solution 3:

'Conceited' might be the word you are looking for. These days it tends to mean having an overly favourable opinion of oneself.

Also consider 'cocky', 'smug', 'complacent' and 'vain'.

Solution 4:

I don't know if there's an equivalent one word answer but I think the phrase "know-nothing know-it-all" is bang on.

Solution 5:

Alas, Thesaurus.com has no synonym for John Lawler’s fine suggestion of asshole.

However, it does offer up these related possibilities:

  • aloof
  • antipathetic
  • arrogant
  • audacious
  • autocratic
  • big-talking
  • biggety
  • bigheaded
  • bossy
  • brash
  • bumptious
  • cavalier
  • cheeky
  • cocky
  • conceited
  • contemptuous
  • derisive
  • despising
  • despotic
  • dictative
  • disdainful
  • doctrinaire
  • dogmatic
  • domineering
  • egotistic
  • egotistical
  • full of hot air
  • haughty
  • high-and-mighty
  • high-handed
  • hoity-toity
  • hotdogging
  • hotshot
  • hubristic
  • immodest
  • imperious
  • insolent
  • iron-handed
  • know-it-all
  • la-dee-da
  • lofty
  • lordly
  • loudmouth
  • narcissistic
  • nervy
  • on an ego trip
  • overbearing
  • overconfident
  • overweening
  • patronizing
  • peremptory
  • phony
  • pompous
  • presumptuous
  • pretentious
  • puffed up
  • pushy
  • rude
  • scornful
  • self-important
  • smart-alecky
  • smarty pants
  • smug
  • sneering
  • snippy
  • snobbish
  • snooty
  • snotty
  • stuck up
  • supercilious
  • swaggering
  • swollen-headed
  • toplofty
  • totalitarian
  • uppity
  • vain
  • vainglorious
  • windbag

I’m sure those familiar with the Urban Dictionary can provide many less urbane synonyms for this sort of thing.