Too much data with var_dump in symfony2 doctrine2

I have around 40 entities and many bidirectional relationships. Whenever i use var_dump($user) or any entity my browser gets loaded with too much data of arrays and variables then it just crashed.

i want to whats the problem.

The data is being inserted fine. Can i cause issue in production.

Solution 1:

Replace var_dump() with the debug method dump() provided by Doctrine Common.


It works for single objects and Doctrine collections and should prevent browser displaying issues you are having.

Solution 2:

well formatted :

echo '<pre>';
\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($user, $recurciveLevelToDisplay);
echo '</pre>';

Solution 3:

Simple and easy example.


Solution 4:

The problem is that in a bidirectional relationship both entities have a link to each other, so while displaying entity1 var_dump will also have to print all properties of entity2, which include entity1 itself giving you a loop.

Solution 5:

Symfony < 2.6

You can use \Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($variable, $depth); it displays doctrine output without the proxy information.

Symfony > 2.6

If you are using symfony 2.6 or more, I strongly advice you to use dump(). It shows a well formated and colored output, and you can dynamically expend/hide rows. enter image description here