Javascript: get package.json data in gulpfile.js

Not a gulp-specific question per-se, but how would one get info from the package.json file within the gulpfile.js; For instance, I want to get the homepage or the name and use it in a task.

This is not gulp specific.

var p = require('./package.json')


Be aware that "require" will cache the read results - meaning you cannot require, write to the file, then require again and expect the results to be updated.

Don't use require('./package.json') for a watch process, as using require will resolve the module as the results of the first request.

So if you are editing your package.json those edits won't work unless you stop your watch process and restart it.

For a gulp watch process it would be best to re-read the file and parse it each time that your task is executed, by using node's fs method

var fs = require('fs')
var json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json'))