No background options other than default pictures

First remove the picture:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri ''

Then apply RGB value, for example:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background primary-color 'rgb(66, 81, 100)'
  • This will give it a nice blue/grey color, almost identical as we had it in Color options before they removed it.

@PRATAP: Rather than opening a new thread. Just curious, is the solid color removal just temporal? I've noticed it existing in the documentation. Any infos on whether it will be returned?

The "plain colors" option has been removed in Ubuntu 19.10. It is currently only possible to select bitmaps as background.

You still can set plain colors through changing hidden settings, as outlined on How to get non-image (plain) desktop background?, or on Change background color to pitch black.

Edit: Nov 26

I Just tried to compile the source code by manipulating things here n there and could make background field like before, I mean like Ubuntu 18.04.

I don't know the side effects yet.. under observation..

enter image description here