Are these CPU pins bent on this motherboard?

I don't know if it's supposed to look like this or not, since I'm building my first PC. I'm using a Z270-a Pro motherboard. I would guess that, yes, these are definitely bent, but it's exactly one-half of the pins and they are all bent uniformly so I thought maybe it was supposed to look like that.

Sorry if this is a stupid question. I looked up pictures online, but they were too far away for me to tell.

Enter image description here

In technical terms: What you have there is a land grid array (LGA) socket, and it looks just fine!

All the pins are bent/curled on purpose, so the CPU – which is flat underneath – can rest on them and make contact. The bent pins act like little springs, so when the CPU is clamped onto the motherboard, they press firmly against the CPU's contact pads.

You say that half of your pins are bent, but in fact they all are: One half of the pins bend one way, and the other half bend another way, like they've been combed with a tiny brush. Depending on the angle you're viewing them from, it can look like only half of them are bent, but if you look closer, you'll see they're all bent/curled. (Not sure why they're bent in two different directions, but I suspect it helps center the CPU in the socket, or has some other micro-mechnical advantage.)

If any of the pins were actually damaged, you'd most likely see it right away, because they'd be pointing in some weird angle (like seen in this photo where a few pins have been "crushed" while the others are neatly, uniformly arranged).

But again, the socket in your photo looks just fine!

Edit: By popular request, here's an embedded photo (couldn't embed the one I link to above due to copyright) of some really messed up socket pins. Not for the faint of heart.

oh no!

Image from Reddit user Naedtrax, via imgur.

The contacts are bent into a spring shape so that the CPU slightly compresses all of them when it's clamped into place.

Practically speaking, it is almost impossible to tell if you don't know what you're looking for.

I've done this (Bent pins >< ), and it takes a flash light shined perpendicularly to the socket to detect them. Bent pins won't reflect light the same way as pins that aren't damaged.

Those pins look fine in bulk. If you have bent pins it would be one or two and would require very close examination. Typically this sort of damage isn't covered in warranty (and might void it).