Useful King's Bounty units / unit combinations

The King's Bounty - The Legend and King's Bounty - Armored Princess games have an impressive amount of different creatures to use. I tried switching creatures often, but the morale system really discourages true diversity in army builds, and so there are many different units I have not even tried.

I would like to know what units / unit combination have been proven successful for other players in either of these great games, so I'll have a chance to try them out next time :) I'm especially interested in success stories with creatures that appear only mildly useful on first glance.

Most powerful units

I tried a great number of different units' combinations. I am now at the very end of the game, and the units I have found useful for the entire game (provided you get them early) are Inquisitors and Skeleton Archers.

Inquisitors because:

  • Cheap
  • Resurrection
  • Magic ranged damage (holy no less, so extra damage to undead... make great ghost killers)
  • A bless spell that gives your hero extra rage!

How could you not like that?

Skeleton Archer; anyone who has used these with dragon arrow on them knows why they are useful:

  • Dirt cheap
  • Decent base damage considering the low leadership cost
  • Two bonus damage specials that are both excellent
  • They have the largest bonus from dragon arrow boost.
  • You can make HUGE stacks of them. I'm currently running with 2000 of them. with dragon arrows cast on them, they easily can take out a stack of 15 black dragons in a single shot. No kidding.
  • They're immune to mind spells.
  • You can find them in graves, and almost any cemetary.

Other very good units

If you have the ring of "Shedominance" (you'll know it when you get it), fairy power is teh awesome. A stack of 3000 Blessed Sprites or Lake Fairies are gonna do around 25K on a crit! I'm not kidding. Sprites do more base damage, but Lake Fairies have better crit chance, and are not weak against fire, and can occasionally weaken foes, so highly recommend Lake Fairies for going up against things that use fire.

Dryads are also great for similar reasons, though they do about half the damage since the stacks are less than half as big. Moreover, Dryads are also a must bring because:

  • They can put to sleep ALL enemy units level 3 or lower that are not immune to mind spells. this just gets better and better as the game goes along.
  • They can summon huge stacks of low level plants to act as fodder for any number do things

Once you start getting access to Dragons (probably the earlier will be in the Dwarven Lands):

  • Green ones are great for sucking up mana for you.
  • Red ones have a fantastic special attack.
  • Bone Dragons also have a good attack, but cannot be healed or rezzed by inquisitors or you.
  • Black ones are the toughest, but you can't cast spells like phantom, or slayer, or bless on them.

So if you have to choose... I'd go with taking along both a Green and Red stack, and ignoring the others.

Those are the primary units I used for most of the game.

Other excellent units

Shamans: Great magic attack at range, easy to get early, decent tanks, and can cast totems that work as distractions. Very very useful in the islands and dwarf areas.

Evil Beholders: Fantastic magic ranged attack that can put low level enemies to sleep, plus can charm units for a turn, which is very very useful for much of the game. If you find them early... grab them! They get a bit less useful once you start facing off against higher level opponents on a regular basis, but they are great for the first half of the game at least.

Horsemen: Despite what some might say, you CAN get these units on day 1 of your adventure, and they are well worth the price. Find the horse/knight tent a little ways away from where you start the game. Run past the stack guarding it to the clearing next to the tent. When the enemy army goes back to the front of the tent... CAREFULLY move along the side of the tent, until you are just level with the guide wire at the front of the tent. From there, you should be able to click on the purchase unit button without alerting the guards. When done, run back past the guards again. Having horsies early on is very very useful.. a good solid unit you can use for the entire game if you like.

Kings Bounty is basically the same as Heroes of Might and Magic and other similar hexbased tactical battle games. They all borrowed heavily from each other. So the strategies are generally the same. Obviously you want to protect your long range units (mages and archers) and use them to pick off enemy stacks before they become decimated themselves by enemy fire. Your infantry/cavalry units should be used to either block up the ground if your enemies are rushers, or charge in close to enemy ranged units so that they are ineffective. As far as morale bonuses go, try and avoid mixing different race types. Some units are uneffected by morale but most gain or lose bonuses based on what other units are in the same army. While it is handy for example to have a stack of Skeletons to act as fodder they cost more than they give if you pair them up with humans.

I like using Cursed Ghost (50% resist physical ) with the spell Haste. Just put them in the midst of the enemy and use the Archmage Shield skill (another 50% resist physical ). It virtually takes 25% damage and their live drain skills to boost! I usually have more ghost aftermath,