2 Xbox Live accounts signed into 1 console?

I have an XBL account, have for awhile.

When my nephew comes over he is always playing on my account but he has his own account at his house on his xbox.

Is there a way for him to sign into his account on my Xbox? Can he bring it with him some how? Will his data sync to his Xbox or whats the deal?

Solution 1:

Yes, he can either bring his profile with him on a Memory card or USB stick (assuming you both have updated your consoles). I do this regularly when going to a friends house.

He could also recover his account onto your Xbox, but that is a bit more of a hassle.

Achievements and other online stats are synced in either case (as long as you are connected to the internet), but saved game files won't be transferred if he recovers his account (or if he doesn't bring them on his memory card/usb stick).

Solution 2:

If they have Xbox Live on their account, they can recover the account at your house, then do the same when they get home.

As far as data syncing goes, it varies from small amounts to none. Stuff like weapons unlocked in multiplayer game modes usually do, larger stuff like single player progress usually (maybe always) doesn't.