Which fuels burn the longest in Minecraft?

What's the order of "best fuels"?

Example: Coal cooks less than lava and blaze rods, wood cooks less than coal, etc.

What's the order of fuels based on their 'cooking quantity'?

Fuel efficiency found in Smelting

                           Burn Time  Burn Time     Fuel needed to
Fuel                        (ticks)   (smeltings*)  smelt 64 items
Lava Bucket                  20000         100                0.64
Block of Coal                16000          80                0.8
Blaze Rod                     2400          12                5.3
Coal and Charcoal             1600           8                8
Huge Mushrooms                 300           1.5             43
Wood and wooden things†        300           1.5             43
Daylight Sensors               300           1.5             43
Banners                        300           1.5             43
Wood tools and weapons         200           1               64
Wooden Slabs                   150           0.75            86
Stick                          100           0.5            128
Saplings                       100           0.5            128

* Number of items smelted per fuel item
† Anything mostly crafted from wood: Crafting tables, Chests, Jukebox (Except Slabs)

Note that the effective efficiency of the long-burning materials goes down rapidly if you don't restock the furnace.

Sorting the entries in this table based on the last column gives this list:

  • Lava Bucket
  • Block of Coal
  • Blaze Rod
  • Charcoal
  • Coal
  • Fence
  • Fence Gate
  • Wooden Stairs
  • Wooden Pressure Plate
  • Wood Planks
  • Wood
  • Chest
  • Trapped Chest
  • Daylight Sensor
  • Bookshelf
  • Crafting Table
  • Trapdoor
  • Huge Mushrooms
  • Note Block
  • Jukebox
  • Wooden Tools and Weapons
  • Wooden Slabs
  • Stick
  • Saplings

Found an even better list

Under the section "Fuel efficiency"

From most to least efficient (according to new list):

  • Lava Bucket
  • Block of coal
  • Blaze rod
  • coal
  • charcoal
  • Huge Mushrooms
  • Note Block
  • Jukebox
  • Daylight Sensor
  • Trapped Chest
  • Chest
  • Bookshelf
  • Crafting table
  • Trapdoor
  • Wooden Stairs
  • Fence Gate
  • Fence
  • Wooden preasure plate
  • Wood
  • Wood Planks
  • Wooden Tools and Weapons
  • Wooden slabs
  • Stick
  • Saplings

@Meraj99 - Because you can use them as fuel for a furnace xD