Is there any way to see weapons damage?

When i click on weapon in my inventory the only stats i am given are: minimal strenght needed to use the weapon, what ammo type the weapon is using and how much it weights.

So far i haven't found any way to get more stats shown. Is that even possible? If not is there a mod that would allow me to see more stats for weapons, because i really don't want to bother playing the game if I'd have to go check weapon damage on wiki everytime I'm gonna buy new weapon, or decide on which weapon to use from the ones i picked up.

Solution 1:

The only way to know how much damage the weapon will do, is by equipping it. You'll be able to see the damage range of the weapon on the stats that appears in your inventory.

You should be able to see twice damage range, from memory: - the first one is for the punch slot - the second one is for the kick slot

The screenshot that follows is from the original Fallout games, but it's basically the same:

Inventory screenshot

You can also see how much your armor protect you against the different kind of damage in the same screen