What are some great OS X Dropbox uses?

Solution 1:

Manage Torrent Downloads

I have my BitTorrent client (Transmission) set up to watch a shared Dropbox directory for incoming .torrent files, so I can start a new torrent download from anywhere I happen to be. (GoodReader for iOS has some great file management capabilities, including uploading to Dropbox.)

Solution 2:

1Password sync

Syncing 1Password's stored keychain across my Macs. I use 1Password for managing passwords and, more importantly, auto-generating random passwords so that I never use the same password twice. Dropbox makes this much easier.

1Password's secure keychain file lives on my Dropbox, and each time a password is added or updated it's automatically sync'd across all my computers.

Solution 3:

Syncing of .profile, .bash_aliases, .fonts and such like

I use a Mac at home and Linux at work, and quite often i am working from home.

I have a ~/login_config/ folder with a couple of files that I either softlink or source during .profile or .bashrc.

My Mac .profile contains source ~/Dropbox/login_config/bash_aliases, my Linux box has a softlink ~/.bash_aliases -> ~/Dropbox/login_config/bash_aliases (and .bashrc on Ubuntu usually sources .bash_aliases automatically)

I use a lot of aliases for ssh destinations for the machines I administer in the cloud and I can switch between work and home with all the same shortcuts, and never have them go out of sync.

This approach can be extended to other shared resources, for example fonts and as a previous poster said, vim is another good one.