Is there a way to move c:\program files elsewhere?

Solution 1:

If you go to the registry, and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, there are one (or two on 64-bit versions) keys there: ProgramFilesDir and ProgramFilesDir (x86) (on 64-bit versions).

You can change these to point where ever your heart desires.

Keep in mind the info people above have said about your RAM disk being persistent or not, and also be aware that SOME programs do not behave properly if your program files directory is moved. There shouldn't be too many that have problems with it at this point, but some older programs (or poorly written ones) may.

Solution 2:

Assuming your RAM disk is persistent, I suppose you could move everything over there and set up a symbolic link from the c:\ folder to the RAM drive's folder. mklink can create that symbolic link for you.