How to determine if the current Ubuntu installation is minimal?
I just want to determine whether my installed Ubuntu system is a minimal system or not. Is there any command thay can do this?
I use an image from google cloud. Seems there is no dir called /var/log/installer
This answer is relevant only to a subset of systems installed via .isos for Desktops. It does not apply to servers.
It applies to Ubuntu and to those flavors that provide their users a "minimal" installation from the full .iso. Covered are Ubuntu itself, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, and any other official flavor offering the minimal install option.
Further, the minimal install option was first made available in 18.04. So this answer is not for versions older than 18.04.
The file to look at is /var/log/installer/telemetry:
See the relevant bits in bold: "Minimal": false,
or "Minimal": true,
For my Kubuntu 18.04, which is a "full" install:
{"Media": "Kubuntu 18.04 LTS \"Bionic Beaver\" - Release amd64 (20180426)",
"Type": "KDE",
"PartitionMethod": "manual",
"DownloadUpdates": false,
"Language": "en",
"Minimal": false,
"RestrictedAddons": true,
"Stages": ...}
For an 18.04 install with the minimal option:
{"Media": "Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS \"Bionic Beaver\" - Release amd64 (20180725)",
"Type": "GTK",
"OEM": false,
"PartitionMethod": "use_device",
"DownloadUpdates": false,
"Language": "en",
"Minimal": true,
"RestrictedAddons": false,
"Stages": ...}
For a 19.10 Ubuntu Mate minimal install option:
{"Media": "Ubuntu-MATE 19.10 \"Eoan Ermine\" - Beta amd64 (20190926.2)",
"Type": "GTK",
"OEM": false,
"PartitionMethod": "use_device",
"DownloadUpdates": false,
"Language": "en",
"Minimal": true,
"RestrictedAddons": false,
"Stages": ...}
After an edit the question became about
google cloud
Google calls that the "Image family". That one is not available from command line. I do not believe you can besides opening the google cloud console. The only command where I see "image family" used is when you "create" an instance.
cat /var/log/installer/media-info
There you can see which media was used for installation.