Add item into context menu in Dolphin
Is it possible to add new items into context menu in Dolphin (KDE Plasma) if I right click on something?
I would like to make a script called Move to applications, which will show only if I right click on a .desktop file and then it will move it to /usr/share/applications/ folder. Or is there a faster way for moving .desktop files to /usr/share/applications/ folder.
Solution 1:
You can create a Service Menu to do what you want.
- Create the folder ~/.local/share/kservices5
- Create the folder ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus
- In ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus create a plain text file called move.desktop
Paste the following content into move.desktop
[Desktop Action move-file]
Exec=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu mv "%U" /usr/share/applications
Name=Move file
[Desktop Entry]
The use of MimeType=application/x-desktop;
ensures that this context menu entry will be seen only when the target file is a .desktop file.
This is an image of Dolphin's context menu before creating the service menu:
In the following screenshot taken after creating the service menu you'll see an additional entry, Move file:
Clicking on Move file will prompt you for your password because you want to move a file into /usr/share/applications.
After providing your password, the selected file will be moved to /usr/share/applications:
Note that the owner isn't the same as .desktop files already there. You'll need to fix that however you choose:
In case you need to change ownership/permissions, you could modify the Exec=
line like this (to change ownership):
Exec=printf %U | xsel -b -i && /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu mv "%U" /usr/share/applications && cd /usr/share/applications && /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu chown root:root $( basename $(xsel -b -o) )
The additional steps involve using printf and xsel to put the path of the file into the clipboard and then using basename to strip off everything but the filename. Of course, you'll need kdesu
again! I don't know if there's a shorter way!