Ubuntu GNOME 20.04 screen/mouse keeps freezing/stuttering

Ubuntu GNOME 20.04, i7 6700, gtx 1660s, recently set to UEFI, 2-3 monitors (2 and a tv across the room for videos), proprietary nvidia driver.

For no reason I can find, my screen freezes for about .1 seconds at roughly 1 second intervals, regularly. It is most noticeable with a mouse, since it makes it really jerky, but exists for video, windows, typing, etc. Audio is smooth, anything non-graphical is smooth, mouse movements are smooth under it but look jerky due to freezing.

Still exists with no windows open, still exists unplugging/disabling other monitors, still exists swapping to noveau. top shows xorg using ~20-30% cpu, system monitor app shows 3-5%. System monitor extension is not installed going by gnome tweaks menu, I've heard of similar issues with it. I've been messing with boot stuff recently (putting ubuntu server on a 1,1 mac pro, which is...hard), but changed nothing I can think of in this install.

Solution 1:

I solved my problem by applying the solution described here. Just for the record:

dconf reset -f /

After that, the stuttering was gone. Hope this helps someone!

Solution 2:


Stuttering for my system was caused by the indicator-multiload extension.

Enter this command on terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove indicator-multiload

Solution 3:

NVIDIA Driver is the problem. You will have to rollback each time. I think 330 works.

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"

Solution 4:

Same problem on Ubuntu 20.04.

I just tried to disable memory swapping and it's gone.

sudo swapoff -a

To make it persistent, comment swap in /etc/fstab.