What does “I’m done” in Serena William’s counter shot to John McEnroe, “I just have people picking on me. I’m done.” means?

She is done (finished) apologising, and she's done (finished) listening to people who she regards as picking on her.

"I am done" is used, in this instance, in an exasperated manner. Ms. Williams is tired of having to apologise, she wants to stop doing it.

So, the phrase has three normal, informal uses:

  1. To indicate that someone has finished a task.
  2. To indicate that someone gives up out of frustration.
  3. To indicate that someone isn't going to do something anymore, probably out of frustration.

Serena William's statement is an example of the third.

An example of the first could be "I'm done with the dishes." meaning that you've finished cleaning the dishes. Alternatively if a waiter aproaches you and asked "Are you done?" they're asking if you've finished eating (or drinking).

An example of the second could be if you're in an argument with a particularly obstinate person and you don't want to argue with them any more. You announce "I'm done." and walk away from them.

I am exhausted and finished (do not want any more to do with) with this thing


I have had it with this

I have never heard the second expression, but it is General Reference too:

Spat with: To engage in a brief quarrel.
followed by olive branch: an offer of reconciliation.