openconnect is connected but does not use the right dns

Solution 1:

I found something that works from an answer on the Manjaro Forum: Weird DNS issue over VPN

So basically what did I do:

  • sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
  • sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
  • Remove symlink between /etc/resolv.conf and /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
  • Comment out the line with hosts: ... in /etc/nsswitch.conf
  • Reboot

Tbh, it's still a bit voodoo to me about why it works.

The hypothetical underlying reason about why this works from the author is pasted below:

My understanding is that commenting out the line with hosts in /etc/nsswitch.conf allows sudo openconnect to work without systemd-resolved. Indeed, openconnect relies on /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script to detect which type of DNS resolver is used and if it finds a row containing the word "resolve" in /etc/nsswitch.conf, it thinks systemd-resolved is being used even if it is disabled.

This is why I got an error when using sudo openconnect with systemd-resolved disabled. And this is also why I did enable this service afterwards. However it seems this caused some errors and even if the symlink technique did work, I was still having some issues with DNS leaks. Well, simply commenting this line in /etc/nsswitch.conf is what is recommended in the above link and it indeed works. Now, although systemd-resolved is being disabled (the default in Manjaro apparently), sudo openconnect does't complain anymore about it and works properly.

I don't know whether vpnc-script is at fault here: it should not detect systemd-resolved as the DNS resolver being used based on that row in nsswitch.conf. It should check if systemd-reolved is enabled IMHO.

Solution 2:

I had this issue. I was due to a known bug. This workaround worked for me:

add this to /etc/network/if-up.d/globalprotect:

# Hacky workaround bug in NM not setting the default routes.
if [ "$IFACE" = "vpn0" ]; then
  ip route replace default via dev vpn0