Completely uninstall an application
Solution 1:
There are several 3rd-party “un-installers” available for Mac. The one I use is AppZapper.
There may be files in "~/Library/Application Support/{folder name of app}" and there may be a preference file in ~/Library/Preferences/.
Sandboxed apps have their data in "~/Library/Containers/{folder name of company}"
Some applications may also install more complicated things like kexts. Most of those apps will have their own uninstallers.
Solution 2:
Deleting the application from the Applications folder is deleting the application. Some will store further data in ~/Library/Application\ Support/
Solution 3:
Well known you can go ahead and download "AppCleaner". Find it here : [Supports OS X 10.6 - 10.9 Currently]
Here's another way to delete some apps.
When you install a application, many of them will come when you click "Launchpad" To delete a app try doing this :
1 : Click Launchpad
2 : Click and hold the app you want to delete [ NEXT CLICK ON THAT X LITTLE BUTTON TO DELETE YOUR APP ]