How to Highlight Text in Yellow in Pages 5.0

The most expedient method I have discovered is as follows: Ensure the "Text" formatting side-menu is open, and follow the steps associated with Chad Decker's screen-shot (see top of this web-page)

  1. Close the "Advanced Options" menu
  2. Click the "Character Styles" tab
  3. Click the "+" tab to "create a character style based on selected text"
  4. Name the new character style (e.g., "Highlight")

When you want to highlight text, select the text, click the "Characters Styles" tab, then select "Highlight" from the drop-down menu.

Sadly, this "fix" is not preserved upon quitting the Pages application.

⇧ Shift-⌘ Cmd-H is the new shortcut (or Insert > Highlight from the menu).

You can supposedly save your formatting style in Pages 5 so that it can be re-used - that makes it accessible in future with only a few actions (select text, open format panel if not open, and then select the style from the menu). Unfortunately this doesn't appear to stick around - after creating a new document - I found it had dropped the style. So one option here would be to create yourself a pages document that is a palette of the styles you use frequently, then you can use it to copy the style from as you need it as copy-style/paste-style works across documents. Not ideal but might save you a bit of time.

Copy the style (Format > Copy Style or shift-command-C)

Paste style (Format > Past Style or shift-command-V)