Git: "please tell me who you are" error

I have app servers that I bootstrap together using Chef + some ad-hoc bash scripts. The problem is, when I want to run an update on one of these app servers, I get:

19:00:28: *** Please tell me who you are.


  git config --global "[email protected]"
  git config --global "Your Name"

Do I really need to set this for doing a simple git pull origin master every time I update an app server? Is there anyway to override this behavior so it doesn't error out when name and email are not set?

Solution 1:

I spent lots of hours on it when I call PHP script to init and commit to git. And I found the work flow should be as:

  1. git init
  2. git config "someone"
  3. git config "[email protected]"
  4. git add *
  5. git commit -m "some init msg"

If you swap [23] and 1, the config will not work at all.

I wish this will do some help.

Solution 2:

Instead of doing a git pull, you can do:

git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master

Neither of those require you to configure your git user name / email.

This will destroy any uncommitted local changes / commits, and will leave your HEAD pointing to a commit (not a branch). But neither of those should be a problem for an app server since you shouldn't be making local changes or committing to that repository.

Solution 3:

it works for me, try This.. you need to configure your terminal with remote access.

     git config --global "abc"
     git config --global "[email protected]"