Do the starting abilities actually do anything?

Eating candies increases your max health, dropping candies on the floor appears to do nothing, although you do get a progressively sadder face next to the count as you dump more.

To extend @Sconibulus's answer:

setNbrThrown : function(value){
    this.nbrThrown = value;

    // We choose which smiley we want to add at the end of the sentence
    if(this.nbrThrown <= 10) smiley = ".";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 20) smiley = "...";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 30) smiley = "...?";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 40) smiley = "...? <tt>:|</tt>";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 50) smiley = "...? <tt>:/</tt>";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 60) smiley = "...? <tt>:(</tt>";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 70) smiley = "...? <tt>:[</tt>";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 80) smiley = "...? <tt>:{</tt>";
    else if(this.nbrThrown <= 90) smiley = "...? <tt>:'(</tt>";
    else smiley = "...? <tt>(;_;)</tt>";

    if(this.nbrThrown != 1) htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("candies_thrown", "You threw " + this.nbrThrown + " candies on the ground" + smiley);
    else htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("candies_thrown", "You threw 1 candy on the ground" + smiley);
    htmlInteraction.setElementVisibility("candies_thrown", true);

Throwing candies on the ground does nothing immediately. However, in the computer section (I'm not there yet, I just did a search through all the .js files. This is in computer.js):

    bug2: function() {
        var rndrnd;
        if (lollipops.nbrOwned >= 10000000) {
            lollipops.setNbrOwned(lollipops.nbrOwned - 10000000);
            switch (random.getRandomIntUpTo(2)) {
                case 0:
                    candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned + candies.nbrThrown);
                    htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("computer_comment_2", "You picked up all candies you have thrown on the floor. (" + candies.nbrThrown + ")");

It appears there is a point where you have the option of picking up all the candies you throw on the floor. I don't know why you would want to do this (a way to store candies for later?), but it is apparently an option.

Per this interview, throwing the candies on the ground does nothing.

Every action you take seems to lead to a new discovery, except one.

"Throwing the candies on the ground does nothing," aniwey said, adding a smile.