Logging in as the same user multiple times in Remote Desktop Windows Server 2008

Solution 1:

A single user account can have multiple sessions in Windows 2008. On the server, run tsconfig.msc to bring up the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration. Under "Configuration for server", double-click any of the general settings. Uncheck the box next to "Restrict each user to a single session" and click OK.

Solution 2:

That's by design. Give their accounts the proper permissions they need on that server and have them log on as themselves instead.

Is there any special reason for them to share an account?

If the server is set up as a real Terminal Server (ie not just using the default Administrative Remote Desktop) then the single session per user enforcement should be possible to turn off. But the additional problem of never being able to reconnect to the same session seems like an annoying prospect - so setting forced logoff after some time would be essential and so on... it's just, wrong ^^

Solution 3:

You can do this by setting the fSingleSessionPerUser registry key: http://remotedesktoprdp.com/force-single-session-allow-multiple-sessions-per-user

Solution 4:

Yes it is possible even on windows home or home premium it can be done both manually or with a download. I use it all the time because it saves me allot of time. Its called Concurrent RDP Patcher and can be downloaded here : http://www.raymond.cc/blog/download/?did=125

This allows more than one user to access the device with only one admin logon.