What is the correct way to check if a global variable exists?

JSLint is not passing this as a valid code:

/* global someVar: false */
if (typeof someVar === "undefined") {
    var someVar = "hi!";

What is the correct way?

Solution 1:

/*global window */

if (window.someVar === undefined) {
    window.someVar = 123456;

if (!window.hasOwnProperty('someVar')) {
    window.someVar = 123456;

Solution 2:

 * @param {string} nameOfVariable
function globalExists(nameOfVariable) {
    return nameOfVariable in window

It doesn't matter whether you created a global variable with var foo or window.foo — variables created with var in global context are written into window.

Solution 3:

If you are wanting to assign a global variable only if it doesn't already exist, try:

window.someVar = window.someVar || 'hi';


window['someVar'] = window['someVar'] || 'hi';