Pronunciation of 'desktop' [closed]

The letter 'k' is normally not pronounced.

It will be pronounced in deliberate, more formal situations, like acting and news speech, but in everyday speech it is mostly elided.

There may be some remnant of articulation, an attempt of the tongue toward velar closure but litle to no stop occurs, Even so, there will be some change; It will lengthen the articulation of the 's'.

Often when native speakers are asked such questions, the primacy of the code, the written expression, spells out the answer, which overwhelms any introspection. Consider this: do you stop at a stop sign when no one is around? Of course you slow down, but do you come to a complete stop? Again, of course you do. Except that you don't. Maybe you will now. You know from reading, from what the 'official' rules are what you are supposed to do, and that is your answer. But what is it you really do?

The letter k is normally pronounced. In that example, it is being pronounced quickly.