Antonym for "challenge" (noun form)

I was writing a market research report the other day and listed the challenges my company faced in the market in question, then I created a new section header for the... uhh... easy bits?

That's when I realized I could think of no reasonable antonym for challenge in the noun form. I can certainly describe it -- characteristics of the market that will be of benefit to our entry

"Advantages" is close to the mark but doesn't quite capture the idea because I feel that is in reference to our company, rather than in reference to the market itself.

To give an example:

  > customer purchasing power is low
  > public perception of our manufacturing location is negative

(Easy Bits / Cakewalks / Happy Things / etc.)
  > no competitive product on the market
  > strong transportation network with low logistical costs

"Incentives" also seems close, but not quite there.

Any ideas?

Not sure how helpful this is, and you've probably already thought about this, but to me it looks like you're putting together a kind of SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), in which case the "easy bits" would be a combination of the "opportunities" available to your company and "strengths" your company posesses. In the same vein, the "challenges" would be a combination of the "weaknesses" your company has and the "threats" it faces.

From @Matt's SWOT suggestion, "strength" is probably the best choice because the opposite of strength is weakness and a "challenge" can be considered a less negative way of saying weakness (IMO). "Opportunity" isn't a good choice because it is based on something that does not yet exist but has potential.