What is the usual form of "Please do the needful"? [duplicate]

From my experience of receiving such requests from colleagues in India, I would say that the idiomatic equivalent is either Please help, or Thank you. There really isn't a literal equivalent that anybody would write in the UK, in the same way that there isn't a British English equivalent of bon appétit.

Close equivalents might be "please do the required" or "please do what is needed" or "please do the necessary"; all imply a certain background knowledge of the situation, i.e. that you know what do to and don't need it spelled out.

I'm not sure that "do the needful" isn't entirely inappropriate, though (I'm in the UK). In that way that certain archaic phrases are used in a slightly jocular ways, e.g. using beverage instead of drink, it does sound lighter and less formal and probably something to be spoken, not written.