Attach the Java Source Code

Solution 1:

Normally, if you have installed the JDK6u14, eclipse should detect it and declare it automatically in its "installed JRE" list.

If not, you can add that JDK through "Windows/Preferences": Java > Installed JREs:

Just point to the root directory of your JDK installation: it should include the sources of the JDK (, automatically detected and attached to rt.jar by eclipse.

Add JRE VM, from

Solution 2:

You don't necessarily need to add the source, but you rather may need to remove a JRE that does not have the source attached.

On looking at the "installed JRE's" I saw that my JDK was setup properly with source, but the default JRE on the machine had no sources. Eclipse was defaulting to that when looking for source.

I just used the remove button to expel the JRE, leaving my JDK. I then hit F3 and the source was there. Yeah!

Solution 3:

Hold ctrl key and then click on class of which you want to see the inner working (for ex: String) then you will find there button "Attach Source". Click on it. Then click on External Folder. Then browse to your jdk location, per instance C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0. That's it.

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