Using cmd/Batch, how to determine whether or not you are connected to a WiFi network?
Using netsh wlan connect name="your network_name"
you can request to connect to a WiFi network, but can't be sure whether or not you are connected.
So, in CMD/Batch, what would be a command line to check whether or not I am connected to a WiFi network? (The WiFi network may, or may not, have network access.)[It should also work for Mobile hotspots too]
If Connected, It should display YES
If NOT Connected, It should display NO
because I want to run a loop depending upon the results I get.
For an alternative method to Milad's answer for checking whether your Windows PC is currently connected to a Wifi network, do the following:
- Open a command prompt
- Enter the following command:
WMIC /node: ”PutYourPCNameHere” path WIN32_NetworkAdapter where (NetConnectionID="Wi-Fi") get NetConnectionStatus
If you are currently connected to Wifi it will return the following result:
NetConnectionStatus 2
If you are not currently connected it will return this result:
NetConnectionStatus 7
You don't need to reference the actual Pc explicitly. Store this in a file with the extension .bat
or .cmd
@Echo off
For /f "usebackq" %%A in (
`WMIC path WIN32_NetworkAdapter where 'NetConnectionID="Wi-Fi"' get NetConnectionStatus`
) Do If %%A Equ 2 (Echo yes) Else (Echo No)
This has to be entered in a cmd window (Sorry for the misunderstanding)
For /f %A in ('WMIC path WIN32_NetworkAdapter where (NetConnectionID="Wi-Fi"^) get NetConnectionStatus') Do If %A Equ 2 (Echo yes) Else (Echo No)