Install Xcode in OS X Tiger 10.4.11

So I'm attempting to install Xcode on OS X Tiger on my iBook G4 (It was a gift.) I needed Xcode because I was trying to install MacPorts so that I could easily install software, namely git.

However, when I attempt to install it via what MacPorts says to do: via the link for 10.4, it just sits there loading… nothing happens.

Does anyone know of a better way to install MacPorts than via Xcode, because I can't download it. …or if anyone knows how to install Xcode for OSX 10.4.11, that would be great!

I had more success with downloading it from directly

  • Point Safari to
  • Click on Mac Dev Center (on the left, in the OS X Mavericks box
  • Sign in (or create a free account if you don't have one yet)
  • In the "Additional Downloads" section at the bottom, click on "View all downloads"
  • Deselect all categories besides "Developer Tools"
  • Jump to about page 10 (of 11), the package is from Nov 2, 2007
  • Click on "Xcode 2.5 Developer Tools"