iTunes Match error 4010 when adding songs to iCloud
Solution 1:
So what worked for me was to sign out of iTunes Store then sign back in. This will disable iTunes Match. You then need to turn Match back on. It looks like it is starting completely from scratch (!) but it doesn't and instead adds all songs to iCloud that were missing.
I had 3 albums to add and I had to go through this process for each one. I am assuming that something has changed or gone wrong on Apple's server side for it to start behaving this way when it previously worked fine.
Solution 2:
I've gotten this error message when I've manually added mp3s to iTunes and it attempts to do the match.
Happened again just now and I tried a simple Store > Update iTunes Match and it seemed to jumpstart the process and complete it.
Remains to be seen if this will fix all future occurrences of this error message.
Solution 3:
I got this error after importing songs from another iMac. After diligent troubleshooting, I found the cause of the 4010 error in my case. I had been using iTunes Family Sharing, and the songs that had been downloaded from other family members' accounts were the ones triggering the error. (I found this by selectively uploading only certain songs to iTunes, and discovered that all the songs that triggered the error contained other user names in the song purchase field.) After deleting from my library the songs purchased by other family members, I was able to use iTunes Match again, and did not get the 4010 error. Then I was able to re-download the family song purchases.