Pressing Ctrl + A in Selenium WebDriver

Solution 1:

One more solution (in Java, because you didn't tell us your language - but it works the same way in all languages with Keys class):

String selectAll = Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a");

You can use this to select the whole text in an <input>, or on the whole page (just find the html element and send this to it).

For using Selenium Ruby bindings:

There's no chord() method in the Keys class in Ruby bindings. Therefore, as suggested by Hari Reddy, you'll have to use Selenium Advanced user interactions API, see ActionBuilder:


Solution 2:

To click Ctrl+A, you can do it with Actions

  Actions action = new Actions(); 

\u0061 represents the character 'a'

\u0041 represents the character 'A'

To press other characters refer the unicode character table -

Solution 3:

In Selenium for C#, sending Keys.Control simply toggles the Control key's state: if it's up, then it becomes down; if it's down, then it becomes up. So to simulate pressing Control+A, send Keys.Control twice, once before sending "a" and then after.

For example, if we is an input IWebElement, the following statement will select all of its contents:

we.SendKeys(Keys.Control + "a" + Keys.Control);