How to analyse "startup from hibernate"

Note this is NOT a duplicate of:

  • Timing startup processes?
  • How can I time my startups and see what processes are taking the longest?

I care about the time from hibernate, not from boot up. My machine restarts just fine, but returning from hibernation can take up to 15 minutes!

So far I've tried BootRacer, and the Windows Event Logs, but both of these only track data from reboots - not from return from hibernation.

It's not clear to me whether Soluto might do any better, but given that a review I found says ...

Installing Soluto requires a reboot, during which it analyzes your system's boot process

... so I'm not particularly hopeful.

How can I analyse this? Heck, I'll even take "How can I record data about this, without using a stopwatch?" ! All of the data sources only look at reboots :(

To analyze the HIbernation/Resume, you have to use the Windows Performance Toolkit, which is part of the Windows 10 SDK.

Now run WPRUI.exe, select First Level, under Resource select CPU usage, DiskIO, FileIO and under Performance Scenario select Hibernation/Resume. Number of iteration can be set to 1 and click on start.

enter image description here

This hibernates the device and resumes it and captures the activity.

After the system is back from the hibernation/resume, open the generated ETL with Windows Performance Analyzer by making a double click on the ETL.

In WPA click on profile->apply->browse catalog and select Hibernate.wpaprofile

enter image description here

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and here it shows Hibernation itself as long part.

enter image description here

The suspend/resume of services/drivers is fast. so the issue may come from the BIOS or the older C300 SSDs.