Is there any alternative to MacPorts?

MacPorts became really a pain because it does compile the packages on your machine, like the infamous gentoo and I would like something with a smaller footprint on your machine.

I know that Fink and other solutions exists but from what I remember form few years ago they are less maintained than macports.

I would like to read a more informed opinion regarding which solution would be optimal and why.

Solution 1:

Alternatives for MacPorts


  • Uses OS X binary versions when available
  • Compiles OS X optimized versions
    • Compiling usually faster than with MacPorts
  • Easy to use, e.g. to install wget: $ brew install wget
  • Tries to separate already installed software from what is installed through brew
  • … while taking advantage of already installed software and libraries (e.g. doesn't install a working version of Perl twice)
  • Installing software doesn't need root access
  • Actively developed on github


  • Uses Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get
  • Easy to use, e.g. to install wget: $ fink install wget
  • Can be used to install precompiled packages or to compile everything from the source
  • Has a separate directory tree to avoid interference with the system


  • Last version 2010-04-10


  • Has GUI
  • Nothing new on the website since 2008

Solution 2:

Yes, you can try Homebrew. ​​

Solution 3:

Macports now provides compiled binaries for Snow Leopard and Lion for normal options.