AppleScript get active Application
Solution 1:
This will work if the script is called from Script Editor, as it 'gets out of the way' to check the next app in line, but will fail if double clicked from Finder, as Finder will then always be last in line.
tell application "System Events"
set frontmostProcess to first process where it is frontmost
set visible of frontmostProcess to false
repeat while (frontmostProcess is frontmost)
delay 0.2
end repeat
set secondFrontmost to name of first process where it is frontmost
set frontmost of frontmostProcess to true
end tell
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
if "Finder" is in secondFrontmost then
display dialog ("Finder was last in front")
display dialog (secondFrontmost & " was last in front")
end if
end tell
Leaving previous answer here for posterity
Rejigged entire answer after having not read the question properly initially ;-)
tell application "System Events"
set activeApp to name of first application process whose frontmost is true
if "Finder" is in activeApp then
display dialog ("test")
display dialog ("test2")
end if
end tell