Opening epub using zathura 18.04

I have downloaded zathura doc viewer. But it supports only pdf rightnow. But in archlinux wiki, they have this plugin for opening epub. But this is not available in ubuntu. I saw a PPA, but it doesn't have support for 18.04. How to get this?

Solution 1:

As far I can read from ArchWiki - you need to install zathura-pdf-mupdf plugin.

Currently there is a PPA named ppa:spvkgn/zathura-mupdf.

After contacting PPA owner we have package for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver).

So if you have followed my previous method, then you can delete the pin/lock file and install binary packages from the repository as usual:

sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin-zathura

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:spvkgn/zathura-mupdf

sudo apt-get install zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf

and enjoy!