The image from quick create in hyper-v for Ubuntu 18.04.2 and 19.04 doesn't allow me to install anything

Apparently the seed.yml file specifies apps to install on a fresh OS install.

If we remove the ones that are getting stuck and then manually install them, this works.


  1. Change your /var/lib/snapd/seed/seed.yaml file to look like this:

    name: core
    channel: stable
    file: core_6673.snap
    name: gtk-common-themes
    channel: stable/ubuntu-18.04
    file: gtk-common-themes_1198.snap
    name: gnome-3-26-1604
    channel: stable/ubuntu-18.04
    file: gnome-3-26-1604_82.snap

    Basically I'm removing all the entries that caused the snap tasks to get stuck.

  2. Abort the currently running snap tasks and restart the service:

    • snap abort --last=seed
    • sudo systemctl restart snapd
    • Keep running snap tasks --last=seed to see the progress of the snap tasks and wait for all the tasks to be "Done"
  3. Manually install any apps that you removed from /var/lib/snapd/seed/seed.yaml, they might include:

    • gnome-calculator
    • gnome-characters
    • gnome-logs
    • gnome-system-monitor

    The command to reinstall these is:

    snap install gnome-calculator gnome-characters gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor`


Thanks to Stefan Jarina for help resolving this issue!