Trouble installing PCSX

If you're just looking to play Playstation 1 games and do not strictly need PCSX, I really recommend RetroArch. It works flawlessly on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Intel graphics card, and it's basically a breeze to set up. I produced a full guide for it on my blog linked below, but here's the gist of it:

Why RetroArch?

It's geared towards a "just works" philosophy, where you do not need to worry about loading or configuring additional plugins. You can tweak things, but the defaults generally work just fine.

Install RetroArch via PPA

mkdir ~/emu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libretro/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install retroarch libretro*

Get and configure the BIOSes

You need the files:


If you cannot find all of them, you can also use scph1001.bin and rename it to scph5501.bin, scph1000.bin to scph5500.bin, and scph1002.bin to scph5502.bin.

Drop these bin files in ~/emu, the dir you created earlier.

Launch retroarch from terminal, then press ESC to quit. You have to tweak the .cfg before finally using it.

gedit ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg

Modify the following lines like so, to point to your ~/emu dir.

system_directory = "~/emu/"
content_directory = "~/emu/"

Save and close the file. Now move ALL BIOS bins, roms, and CUE/ISO files to your ~/emu directory.

ISO vs CUE files

Unfortunately RetroArch/Mednafen cannot open ISO files directly, only CUE file. If you just have the ISO or BIN for the Playstation game, you have to create a CUE sheet for each disc using a simple text editor (Gedit is fine).

Let’s say I have FF7_DISC1.ISO file inside ~/emu, which is Disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII. Navigate to ~/emu, and create a plain text file called FF7_DISC1.CUE. Copy/Paste this to it:

  TRACK 01 MODE2/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

The filename in between the “quotes” should match exactly your ISO filename, and it should all be in the same directory. What this file does is basically determine where the CD audio tracks begin and end; in the case of Final Fantasy VII there is no CD audio so it’s just 00:00:00. You should be able to do this for most games the same way. But if a game does have CD audio and you want that to work, you will have to find the CUE sheet for the game.


You're ready to play! Launch retroarch --verbose again from the terminal (the --verbose option will output more messages to the console in case there is something you need to fix).

Navigate the menus with arrow keys, X confirms and Z goes back.

Full Guide: