How to mount samba drive in Linux using command line

Solution 1:

First, unless already installed, install cifs-utils as follows:

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

Then, choose a path where to place a file containing the credentials to access your shared folder. Let's say /home/.smbcredentials, as an instance.
So, open that file and write your credentials as follows:


Also, decide where to mount your shared folder. Let's say /myfolder, as an instance.

Now, assuming you want your network folder to be accessible as soon as your Linux system is started, edit the /etc/fstab file. You can use nano as follows:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Then, you should be able to see something already written to that file. Therefore, just append one line to the bottom:

//yourHostNameOrIpAddress/path/to/your/shared/folder  /your/mount/point  cifs  guest,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,credentials=/path/to/the/credentials/file

That's all, reboot your Linux system by typing reboot -f and your network drive will be mounted.

As an alternative to rebooting, running /etc/fstab as superuser should work:

sudo /etc/fstab