How to remove Microsoft Office icons?

I know that there are countless questions about how to install office and what not. But the issue I have is now that I have installed it onto my system (and it never worked, just fyi) I am now stuck with these office icons in the unity browser. Has anyone come across this issue and how can I fix this? I imagine there are some images stored somewhere and I just have to remove them because when I select the program nothing runs.

enter image description here

I was able to remove these pesky icons by deleting the ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Microsoft Office 2013 folder. I uninstalled Wine, PlayOnLinux, but this folder was snuggly hidden, not under .wine or .playonlinux. Found it thanks to this discussion.

If you did not install anything else in wine you could simply delete the .wine folder in home.

BTW, I installed Office 2007 using winetricks and the latest version of wine from their ppa and it works.

If you still have the installer for MS Office, try running it again (via Wine), and selecting the uninstall option. Better yet, your version of MS Office may have an uninstaller as well.

Since you mentioned that it doesn't run anyway, I would say this is the best way out.

Right click on the Microsoft office icon and then select unlock from the launcher menu.