What are some unique game identifiers that I may have in in my PS3?

Solution 1:

My house was broken into once, and the detectives in charge of my case seemed only concerned about hard evidence or any unique marking that could not be easily removed from the items that were stolen. Specifically, they asked if I had engraved any of the items, had the original serial numbers, receipts, or if I had altered the packaging or item in any specific way. Telling officers about any specific codes you had in the packaging may help them identify the items as being yours, and once the items are processed through evidence, will allow you to claim them. It will probably be deemed too circumstantial to serve as evidence in court, however.

One thing that may help you, is to note that each game is generally wrapped in a thick plastic coating that will attract finger prints. If they locate the games and then find that your finger prints are all over them, then you are in business. The same could be said about the discs themselves, which have even more conspicuous prints.

I would notify the officer handling your case ASAP about the ad, and anything that you believe is a POTENTIAL unique identifier in any of those game cases. I would also make them alert to the fact that these items probably have your fingerprints in an easily visible spot.

The point is, you have no reason NOT to alert the police to this information, and you should do so to help out as much as you can. What they do with the information is their call, but at least you will have done your part.