How can I trigger a Bootstrap modal programmatically?

If I go here

And click 'Launch demo modal' it does the expected thing. I'm using the modal as part of my signup process and there is server side validation involved. If there are problems I want to redirect the user to the same modal with my validation messages displayed. At the moment I can't figure out how to get the modal to display other than a physical click from the user. How can I launch the model programmatically?

In order to manually show the modal pop up you have to do this


You previously need to initialize it with show: false so it won't show until you manually do it.

$('#myModal').modal({ show: false})

Where myModal is the id of the modal container.

You should't write data-toggle="modal" in the element which triggered the modal (like a button), and you manually can show the modal with:


and hide with:


If you are looking for a programmatical modal creation, you might love this:

Even though Bootstrap's modal provides a javascript way for modal creation, you still need to write modal's html markups first.