update package.json version automatically

Solution 1:

Right answer

To do so, just npm version patch =)

My old answer

There is no pre-release hook originally in git. At least, man githooks does not show it.

If you're using git-extra (https://github.com/visionmedia/git-extras), for instance, you can use a pre-release hook which is implemented by it, as you can see at https://github.com/visionmedia/git-extras/blob/master/bin/git-release. It is needed only a .git/hook/pre-release.sh executable file which edits your package.json file. Committing, pushing and tagging will be done by the git release command.

If you're not using any extension for git, you can write a shell script (I'll name it git-release.sh) and than you can alias it to git release with something like:

git config --global alias.release '!sh path/to/pre-release.sh $1'

You can, than, use git release 0.4 which will execute path/to/pre-release.sh 0.4. Your script can edit package.json, create the tag and push it to the server.

Solution 2:

npm version is probably the correct answer. Just to give an alternative I recommend grunt-bump. It is maintained by one of the guys from angular.js.


grunt bump
>> Version bumped to 0.0.2

grunt bump:patch
>> Version bumped to 0.0.3

grunt bump:minor
>> Version bumped to 0.1.0

grunt bump
>> Version bumped to 0.1.1

grunt bump:major
>> Version bumped to 1.0.0

If you're using grunt anyway it might be the simplest solution.

Solution 3:

This is what I normally do with my projects:

npm version patch
git add *;
git commit -m "Commit message"
git push
npm publish

The first line, npm version patch, will increase the patch version by 1 (x.x.1 to x.x.2) in package.json. Then you add all files -- including package.json which at that point has been modified. Then, the usual git commit and git push, and finally npm publish to publish the module.

I hope this makes sense...


Solution 4:

As an addition to npm version you can use the --no-git-tag-version flag if you want a version bump but no tag or a new commit:

npm --no-git-tag-version version patch


Solution 5:

To give a more up-to-date approach.


  "scripts": {
    "eslint": "eslint index.js",
    "pretest": "npm install",
    "test": "npm run eslint",
    "preversion": "npm run test",
    "version": "",
    "postversion": "git push && git push --tags && npm publish"

Then you run it:

npm version minor --force -m "Some message to commit"

Which will:

  1. ... run tests ...

  2. change your package.json to a next minor version (e.g: 1.8.1 to 1.9.0)

  3. push your changes

  4. create a new git tag release and

  5. publish your npm package.

--force is to show who is the boss! Jokes aside see https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/8620