What is the effect of encoding an image in base64?

Solution 1:

It will be approximately 37% larger:

Very roughly, the final size of Base64-encoded binary data is equal to 1.37 times the original data size

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64

Solution 2:

Here's a really helpful overview of when to base64 encode and when not to by David Calhoun.

Basic answer = gzipped base64 encoded files will be roughly comparable in file size to standard binary (jpg/png). Gzip'd binary files will have a smaller file size.

Takeaway = There's some advantage to encoding and gzipping your UI icons, etc, but unwise to do this for larger images.

Solution 3:

It will be bigger in base64.

Base64 uses 6 bits per byte to encode data, whereas binary uses 8 bits per byte. Also, there is a little padding overhead with Base64. Not all bits are used with Base64 because it was developed in the first place to encode binary data on systems that can only correctly process non-binary data.

That means that the encoded image will be around 33%-36% larger (33% from not using 2 of the bits per byte, plus possible padding accounting for the remaining 3%).

Solution 4:

The answer is: It depends.

Although base64-images are larger, there a few conditions where base64 is the better choice.

Size of base64-images

Base64 uses 64 different characters and this is 2^6. So base64 stores 6bit per 8bit character. So the proportion is 6/8 from unconverted data to base64 data. This is no exact calculation, but a rough estimate.


An 48kb image needs around 64kb as base64 converted image.

Calculation: (48 / 6) * 8 = 64

Simple CLI calculator on Linux systems:

$ cat /dev/urandom|head -c 48000|base64|wc -c

Or using an image:

$ cat my.png|base64|wc -c

Base64-images and websites

This question is much more difficult to answer. Generally speaking, as larger the image as less sense using base64. But consider the following points:

  • A lot of embedded images in an HTML-File or CSS-File can have similar strings. For PNGs you often find repeated "A" chars. Using gzip (sometimes called "deflate"), there might be even a win on size. But it depends on image content.
  • Request overhead of HTTP1.1: Especially with a lot of cookies you can easily have a few kilobytes overhead per request. Embedding base64 images might save bandwith.
  • Do not base64 encode SVG images, because gzip is more effective on XML than on base64.
  • Programming: On dynamically generated images it is easier to deliver them in one request as to coordinate two dependent requests.
  • Deeplinks: If you want to prevent downloading the image, it is a little bit trickier to extract an image from an HTML page.

Solution 5:

Encoding an image to base64 will make it about 30% bigger.

See the details in the wikipedia article about the Data URI scheme, where it states:

Base64-encoded data URIs are 1/3 larger in size than their binary equivalent. (However, this overhead is reduced to 2-3% if the HTTP server compresses the response using gzip)